Being A Successful Camgirl
For the past year and a bit, I’ve been a full-time camgirl. This is my job. This is my hobby. This is fun and enjoyable for me, so I spend a lot of time on it. Lately, I’ve had a number of girls message me and ask me how I do so well. What exactly do I do in videos, how much do I make per month, what do I *really* do since there’s no possible way a non-nude girl could be this popular. You want to know how I’ve managed to get to where I am? I’ll tell you.
Don’t listen to shit anyone tells you about what you can / can’t do. If you really love doing balloon fetish videos, then go and do them. Make that your “thing”. Combine it with other fetishes for some variation. Branch out and try new things if you want, but don’t ever feel like there is anything that you HAVE to do. You never have to do anything on cam that you aren’t comfortable with doing. You never have to interact with anyone with whom you aren’t comfortable. You never have to charge less than you are comfortable charging. Hells yes I think my tits are worth $100, so that’s what I charge to see them, when I decide I feel like offering that. The best part about this job is being your own boss, so BE YOUR OWN BOSS. You control who you interact with, what you do and don’t do, what you charge. Own that! I say this all the time so you’ve likely come across this story before, but anyway:
When I started out, I was told non-nude girls don’t make any money. I was told I’d never do well if I didn’t do hardcore fetish content. I was told that being a solo girl (no partners) wasn’t going to get me very far. I was told that nobody would ever pay what I was asking for my content. And yet, here I am. I took it as a challenge. That’s not to say I don’t offer anything “interesting”, as I have a very very high rate of retaining customers once they’ve bought one or two videos. I carved out a little section of the adult industry for myself and the type of content that I offer. (I say “carved” because it’s pretty damn hard to do, and takes a lot of work). If you want to do something, do it. Make it yours. The entire point of personalized porn is that people are paying to see YOU do these things; don’t give them what everyone else gives them. Show them something new; show them YOU.
I’m not saying ignore advice other people give you; tips like “don’t use paypal” and “watermark literally everything” are important things to keep in mind. However, when it comes to how you conduct yourself, what you create, what you show, what you charge – that’s up to you.
I do well because I do something new. I’m not a cookie cutter domme, or tease, or even camgirl. I do something different. Don’t look to me to emulate me. I see so many girls lately who copy my videos. I do keep an eye on my “competition”, which I think is important in this industry. It’s a good idea to check out what other people are offering. I’ve come across a few girls who are copying my video ideas exactly. I don’t claim to have invented blackmail or anything like that, but when I see another girl has a video with the same title and description of a blackmail clip I’ve done … it’s a bit frustrating. It’s not my IDEAS that are my secret to success – it’s ME. People buy my videos because I am in them. People will buy your videos because YOU are in them. Give them what they want. Don’t try to be me. Think for a minute about what would happen if you tried to copy me and everything I did; sure, you might get a few guys who love your ideas, but what happens if they ever come across me? What happens when they come across the original, rather than your copy of me? Yeah. You’d be fucked. Don’t copy other girls. It might take you a little while to get your footing, but once you latch on to an idea of who you want to be, what you want to do, etc., just run with it. It will make your job immensely more enjoyable, and when you enjoy your work, it shows.
I don’t consider myself to be the be all and end all of camgirl success. Obviously there are girls who are more successful, more experienced, and more knowledgeable. I believe that there is always more to learn, more to try, and more to improve upon. I do, however, think that I have a decent head for business, and that my attitude towards being a camgirl has helped me get this far.
That’s it. That’s my secret to success. Do what you want, how you want, and don’t believe anyone who tells you that you have to do otherwise. Well, that, and work hard.